Father’s Day

I wrote a short reflection on Father’s Day that was recently posted on the Annesley Writer’s Forum. Basically, everything I know about my heavenly Father I learned from the unconditional love of my earthly father.


“I remember how my dad’s arms swaddled me as he gently tilted us back and forth in our old wooden rocking chair. I can recall the soft nubby feeling of my grandmother’s crocheted afghan that engulfed us both in a cocoon of intricate stitches. I can still hear the gentle lilt of my dad’s familiar lullabies – each word becoming gradually more muted and elongated as both of our eyelids drooped with weariness. I remember the darkness around us was thick and palpable as we sat in our cozy halo of warmth and light in the glow of our somewhat shabby little Christmas tree. The points of colored light pierced through the night air transforming our simple living room into a magical place. I remember that my dad and I were both bound by the spell of our little tree’s beauty – awestruck that something so simple could be such a delight.” READ MORE

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